Trains from Ha Noi to Hue

There are several trains that travel from Hanoi to Hue. Some of the popular options include:

  • SE1: This train departs from Hanoi at 9:00 PM and arrives in Hue at 7:00 AM the next day.
  • SE3: This train departs from Hanoi at 10:00 PM and arrives in Hue at 8:00 AM the next day.
  • SE7: This train departs from Hanoi at 6:00 PM and arrives in Hue at 4:00 AM the next day.
  • SE5: This train departs from Hanoi at 7:30 PM and arrives in Hue at 5:30 AM the next day.

These train schedules are subject to change, so it is recommended to check the current timings and availability before your trip. Additionally, you can book train tickets online or through a travel agent.

How to book:

You can get tickets from the ticket booths at the city train stations – which is the cheapest way to buy one. Sometimes buying the ticket off the counter can save you up to 25%.

However, sometimes it might be risky to wait and book at last minute (even 2-3 days in advance are considered last minute) – seats or berths on popular route are not always available. Ticket agents will charge you extra fee when you reserve online – most will provide free ticket delivery.

Ticket fare: $40 (Soft Seat) – $52 (Hard berth) – $57 (Soft berth) – Agent Fare

Want a return? Check the timetable for Trains from Hue to Ha Noi